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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  September 18, 2013 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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tonight's lead, political extortionists. we are 12 days away from a reckless right wing political move. speaker boehner's caucus is again threatening to hold the american economy hostage, threatening economic chaos. the kamikaze mission is being led by an arrogant tea party, vowing to shut the government down and stop paying the nation's bills. unless they defund president obama's health care law, a law that literally saves lives. and today speaker boehner showed he lacks any political courage to stand up to the radical right. >> we're going to continue to do everything we can to repeal the president's failed health care law. this week the house will pass cr that locks the sequester of savings in and defunds
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obamacare. >> is he kidding? it's a bill congress passed, a law the supreme court held up. a central issue in the presidential campaign, but they refuse to accept it. and today, president obama unloaded on the political hostage takers. >> you have never seen in the history of the united states the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt ceiling being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and have nothing to do with the debt. >> extorting a president, and the president wasn't finished. >> just flip the script for a second, and imagine a situation in which a democratic speaker said to a republican president, i'm not going to increase the
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debt ceiling unless you increase corporate taxes by 20%. and if you don't do it, we'll default on the debt and cause a worldwide financial crises. even though that democratic speaker didn't have the votes to force through that particular piece of legislation they will simply say we will bloat whole thing up unless you do what i want. that can't be a recipe for governing. >> no. it's not a recipe for governing, but it is a recipe for hurting this country. but if the right wing is waiting for president obama to blink, it's not going to happen. >> what i will not do is to create a habit, a pattern whereby the full faith and credit of the united states ends up being a bargaining chip to set policy.
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it's irresponsible. >> it's irresponsible and it's dangerous. speaker boehner, the inmates are running the asylum. you have 12 days to show some leadership. and president obama's not bailing you out. joining me now is congressman, democrat from pennsylvania and richard wolf. his new book is called the message, the reselling of president obama. thank you both for being here. do you believe the right wing will shut down the government if they don't get their way? >> we've seen them do it before, during the clinton years. what your list ners need to know is that the president isn't spending one dollar that the congress didn't appropriate. so the debts that the country's run up, the congress passed the
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appropriation bills. we can't negotiate through extortion about eliminating the full faith and credit or eliminating or credit rating as a way for them to meet a political goal that would mean taking health care away from tens of millions of people. >> let's be clear. they ran on this. the congress voted on it. and the supreme court voted on it. so it's not just a political goal. it's one they lost. and you say the president hasn't spent one dime that congress hasn't approved. but the talking point has been blame president obama. watch this. >> there should be no conversation about shutting the government down. that's not the goal here. >> if the government is shut down, it will be president obama who will shut down the government. if the government is shut down, it will be harry reid that shut it down. >> i don't think it's responsible for the government to say if you don't fund
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obamacare we will shut down the government. >> i think he wants this thing to happen, a shut down of the government. i'm totally cynical on the thing. i think that's exactly what he wants. >> let me get this right. they lose the vote in congress. >> mm-hm. >> the supreme court upholds it as constitutional. they lose the election. dou despite all that and that it's law, they now come back and say we are going to shut down the whole government. >> and it's his fault. >> and defund what we know has been voted on to be funded and is law. and then they're going to blame the president for shutting down the government. it's an insult to the intelligence of the american people. >> i also think it's bad politics. and by the way, this is being griffin by a group of people, the tea party house republicans who claim that what droves them, what motivates them is the constitution. what we're talking about is a law, the obama health reform law
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that has been ruled constitutional by the supreme court. what we're talking about is a change in the constitutional balance of powers. this, as the president has put it, this politics of extortion. it's fine for the house to have the control of the purse strings. that's perfectly within the constitution. that's their role. but as the representative just explained. they have exercised that power. they have passed these budgets. what they're now doing is saying we have additional power that goes beyond the budget to shape the entire presidency, because we will threaten everything, the world economy would collapse. that's what they're doing. and it's important the president made that speech to the business round table. because if they won't listen to the president bus they're the house republicans, they will surely listen to their business backers who fund their campaigns and need to be sable to say to them, this is not god for smi one if you crash this economy. >> when what richard says is not
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good politics, a recent poll on who would be blamed if there's a government shut down, says 51% said they would blame the republicans, only 33% says they will blame president obama. you would think that number would rise in terms of a negative to the republicans. >> well, what the republican party wants to do is play to its extreme right wing. and the problem with that is it may help in a primary, but it doesn't help in a general election, and it won't help our country if we default on our credit. again, the congress has approved and appropriateds they dollars. they have not spent one dime that the congress did not require him to spend by law. so now we have the responsibility to pay our bills. and that's what's up in terms of this debt limit vote. what they want to do is shift the discussion. they voted 41 times to eliminate obamacare. their problem is not with the
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president. their problem is that the senate won't agree with them. they want to have a debate with the president. what they really need to do like eric cantor said, he said look, we don't agree with the senate and present something for the president to sign or veto. they need to go through regular order, pass what they want to pass. let it go to the senate. the senate will reject any cuts in obamacare. it will come back. and it will be front and center when they want to stop paying our soldier, our fbi agents, some paying those people who are risking their lives to keep this country safe. you know, when we talk about closing the government, we're not talking about closing tourist attractions. the government provides vital services. this is not a debate between them and obama. in order to get a bill in front of the president, it has to pass the senate. they have not taken up one of their 40 plus bill does defund
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obamacare. >> you are also talking about this is between them and how we fwofrn this country, whether we're going to let people who lose votes, lose elections, lose in the supreme court and then decide we'll extort our way, we don't care what all three bodies, legislative, judicial and the general election go with. richard, the other thing that outrages me is speaker boehner who's backing now to push to defund obamacare. listen to what he said earlier this year. >> do you want a risk of the united states' full faith and credit over obamacare? that's a very tough argument to make. >> i have tough argument to make. now he's taking the opposite track or at least supporting it, heading that way. >> the only thing at risk here is the speaker's job, right. he's doing this not because he actually believes that they need
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to default or that they stand any chance of repealing obamacare. he's doing this to hold onto his caucus. because look, they wouldn't even back him on the vote to strike in syria. so he's in a very weak position. the irony here is that they think that, you know, their hash tag behind him was about jobs. what are they talking about in terms of a policy about jobs? this is nothing to do with jobs. not him, not the president. no one is addressing what is still sluggish growth in terms of jobs. sadly what you're talking about when you talk about a book. they say obamacare is killing jobs. obamacare hasn't been fully implement implemented. they have no other agenda to agree on. they have no jobs agenda. they can only talk about this because this is the one thing they agree on. they oppose everything to do with this president and about health care. >> you know one thing, though,
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congressman, the president has been very tough all week that he's not negotiating when it comes to paying bills as you pointed out. the country already owes. look, listen to this. >> i have responsibilities at this point not just to the current generation, but the future generations. and we're not going to set up a situation where the full faith and credit of the united states is put on the table every year or every year and a half, and we go through some sort of terrifying financial brinksmanship because of some identify logical arguments the people are having about some tech issue of the day. we're not going to do that. >> congressman? >> we're going to see what i already know. and i know barack obama before he was president and before he was even in the u.s. senate. he is not going to equivocate on this issue.
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what he is saying is he's not going to put a dynamic in play in which the congress can willy-nilly in an unfettered way threaten the credit rating of our country every time they want so the policy goal. so we have to have this argued out now. it's better to argue it out now. and there will be consequences. and unfortunately, they won't just be for political parties. they'll be for our country and our economy if the republicans go in this direction. but it's far better for us to settle this matter now. and that's what the president's saying. he's not going to equivocate or compromise one inch. the debt ceiling will not be negotiated. he won't negotiate about the budget and what the spending priorities are. but he's not going to negotiate about the debt limit. and the congress voted to spend this money, and the congress has a responsibility to pay its bills. >> congressman, richard wolf, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks reverend. coming um, more on the grand
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obstructionist party. why these political hostage takers are governing like rush limbaugh. plus, i want to know how it's okay to take food away from americans in need. tomorrow they'll vote to slash $40 billion from food stamps. how can they lock ok in the mir? and from glen beck to the halls of congress, they're talking impeachment again. bold has a huge imagination. a playground of innovation, color, and design. showing up where we least expect it.
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i want to know why this republican party thinks it's morally okay to strip millions of americans of food stamps. how can anyone be okay with themselves attacking the poor? tomorrow the house votes on congressman eric cantor's bill to gut food stamp programs. it would gut $39 billion from the program over ten years and 4 million would lose benefits next year. i've heard all the right wing
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talking points. there's massive fraud. they're all lazy parasites. it's a drag on the economy. it's all nonsense. a record number of people, 4 million, we've lifted above poverty level last year when food stamps counted as income. it's a moral responsibility. joining me now, sister simone campbell. thank you for being here sister simone. >> great to be with you, reverend al. >> i mean, the outrage to even suggest, when you have people that are getting by, barely, with food stamps, that we're going to take it off the table. and on top of that, denigrate
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and in many ways demonize them by calling them names. >> absolutely. and it's shocking that the basic argument is because getting food stamps, they say, keeps people lazy and dependent. but what they're not dealing with is reality. 69% of the folks getting food stamps are working in house holds where there are working parents. and additionally, the remaining part goes to folks that are disabled and elderly on social security and ssi. that adds up to almost 93%. so 7% are unemployed people who are looking for jobs. and the fact is, there are three people looking for a job for every job opening. this is crazy. this does not deal with reality. and it's wrong for our nation. >> for people who are confused here's who actually get food stamps. 76% of house holes that receive food stamps include children,
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seniors or disabled people. in house holds where there are working people, 58% do. and 82% worked the year before or after they received food stamps. we're not talking about lazies. we're not talking about parasites. we're not talking about fraud, and we talk about very little money. earn who has gone on this amount of money has talked about, i had a congresswoman on last night, simone, said it was the worst situation she's ever had to face in terms of a diet. what are we talking about here? >> right. and this is just supposed to be supplemental, food stamps are supplemental to the ordinary budget. but what's happened? because rents are so high in so many places, people are using $1.40 per day to get by. this is impossible. who are we as a nation that we do not value our people enough to make sure that everyone eats. my faith says it is a moral responsibility. the dignity of every human
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person demands at least food to survive. >> you know, on top of the fact that we're risking people having the ability to have this food that they need, they're demonizing them. let me show you how the right, some on the right have just demonized food stamp recipients. >> the reality is that american poor people are not malnourished. they in fact eat too much food. >> when the safety net becomes a hammock. >> my contention is that the obama administration is encouraging parasites to come out and, you know, take as much as they can with no remorse and this is how a country declines. this is how we become a weak nation. >> 30%. that's how many more americans according to a study are selling food stamps illegally. the program costs 80 billion a year. >> government has reached into american neighborhoods and says, it's okay to be dependent.
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>> shouldn't there be at least some stigma? >> i mean, a stigma. should we be concerned about being a powerful, wealthy nation and we don't even want to help those that need it? that are mostly working? or seniors? or children? isn't that a stigma, sistersy moan? >> i think the data indicates that 80% of our nation has not benefitted from the economic recovery. those who have benefitted are the top 20%. and it is the top 20% making these arguments. so what i think we need to do is make sure everyone understands we're in this together. the 100% benefits when people eat, when children get nourished. the longitudinal studies indicate children who get food stamps do better. they have a higher graduation rate. this is not a stigma.
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this is not a reason to throw people under our bus. the, everyone is welcome on the bus to really stand up for what is right. what is right is feeding hungry people who are working hard. >> no doubt about it, sister simone campbell. we're going to have you on after the vote. thank you for joining us tonight though. >> thank you. glad to be here. rush limbaugh is leading the gop right over the cliff. why don't republican leaders have the courage to stand up to all of his hot air? and glen beck wants to impeach president obama? i'll have a few things to say about that. stay with us. my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams.
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the democrats are the ones always advancing their agenda. the republicans never say no. the whole party ought to be obstructing. the whole party ought to be saying no to everything in obama's agenda. >> just say no. that's rush limbaugh's version of a policy agenda for the country. rush and his tea party cronies have been calling for government shut down over obamacare all year. tea party senators like ted cruz have been demanding it. and now republicans in the house are giving it to them. >> ted cruz and meek lee have been asking for this fight, the conservative base have been asking for this fight. so we're going to give them the fight. >> actually, what republicans are giving people is a reason to vote them out of office next year. some other republicans are in complete denial.
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they claim they're not shutting down the government at all. >> a vote to defund it is not a vote to shut the government down. i don't see it that way. someone asked me earlier on a radio show, they said, well, are you voting to shut the government down? i'd say no, absolutely not. >> keep on saying that, congressman. if you repeat it enough, maybe someone will believe you. now there are actually a few republicans who see the disaster coming their way, but seem powerless to stop it. >> do you think it's a good idea? >> what's the outcome? we can't let the government shut down. we can't be kamikazes. >> what's the alternative? >> we'll see how it goes along. >> kamikaze? general custer? normally i don't worry too much about republicans racing toward disaster, except this time. they're dragging the rest of the
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country with them. joining me now are congresswoman karen barks democrat from california and joy reed. thank you for coming on the show. >> good to be here. thanks for having me on. >> congresswoman, will the gop follow rush limbaugh's advice? >> i think he's held the republican party hostage for a very long time. they're scared to death of him. if they don't follow what rush limbaugh says they might get primaried. when the economy is slowly getting better, the number one thing on everybody's mind is the jobs, not the theatrics that they do here in the house of representatives. >> they're saying they just want to tear obamacare down. they don't want to build anything up. listen to this. >> now i'm going to make a wild guess that most of you don't want any of this replace
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business. what you want, let's repeal this and then start from scratch. >> now you have millions of people uninsured. but all we want to do is stop the insurance options you may have now, and then we'll just start from scratch. you just sit there and stay in your uninsured predicament. >> yeah. because everybody wants to go back to 2009 and do that nine month process again. that's what we want to do with the next nine month does a year. no that's ridiculous. and the problem that republicans have and what they're wolfied about, rev, is starting october 1st, more of these benefits kick in. and it's a lot easier to say you want to repeal something that hasn't been fully implemented so people aren't fully sure what it is. when they're getting the no pre-existing conditions, and it's kicked in and people understand what they're receiving, then when you try to propose taking it away, it's
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going to go down like it was on medicare. they used to hate medicare. they said it would destroy the country, it was socialism, you once it was implemented, you can't even take it away from a tea partier. >> listen to this. >> the fight over here has been won. the house has voted 40 times defund, change obamacare. to repeal it. it's time for the senate to have this fight. >> congresswoman, why can't john boehner just stand up to the tea party? >> well, first of all, i think they control a bloc of votes. and he can't get to 218 without their votes. i've been here two and a half years now and i have participated in all those crazy 40 plus votes. they keep talking about repealing. you notice they don't talk about replace anymore because they've never come up with what they
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want to do. and i think joy is absolutely right. and i will tell you that plenty of my constituents right now already feel the impact of health care reform and they would fight tooth and nail for anybody to take away the benefits that they're already receiving. >> now not only does her constituents, the congresswoman's, joy's constituents know the benefits there. let me run this by you for your reaction. if there's a government shut down, and it's looking more and more like we're headed that way. the people that are affected. military pay, veterans benefits, new home and business loans, what is not affected is obamacare implementation, social security checks and traffic controllers, food inspection and postal services. so they would shut the government down over obamacare, and it won't even be affected. >> exactly.
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this is the equivalent of somebody at a carnival selling a bottle of snake oil that does absolutely nothing. at the end of the day they would shut down the government for nothing. they would get blamed and obamacare just like medicare and social security would roll merrily along. >> basically what they're doing is trying to have a sill bollic victory over the president and some of them just despise him so because this is his prized accomplishment. they want to try to humiliate him by saying we shut the government down on his prized achievement. but they're doing it at the expense of seniors and children and people that will suffer from a government shut down. >> well, i think that's absolutely right. but, you know, this is a ritual, almost, that has to be performed every couple of months. every couple months we have to
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dutifully walk on the floor and cast our vote. but this is something that they spend themselves up to every couple of months. it's really a sad waste of time. there are so many things that we need to be doing right now, like getting back to jobs instead of wasting our time with silly antics like this. >> we go forward. they are try again, the president doesn't blink. the congress does not, the democrats in the congress go through the ritual. the senate stops it again, then what? >> then nothing. and as the congressman says. they'll do it all over again. these are afraid of getting primary. they know if they don't go through this that they could face a primary. and all they care about is self-preservation. this is the most cynical kind of politics because it is literally about self.
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>> congresswoman, if this goes this way and leads into a shut down, how do we salvage what the american people need and what they would have to endure if we're facing this shut down? >> well, i think we need to hold their feet to the fire. the way out of this is if they need to go through the ritual of having the continuing resolution, that takes money away from the affordable care act, sending it over to the senate, then when it comes back, he, the speaker, has to come to reality. go over to leader pelosi and say look, i need your votes. let's put our votes together, let's fund the government and let's not have their shut down. so this is completely preventable. there is no reason for the self-imposed crisis. >> joy, do you feel that the politics here in washington as polarized as it is, is there any outside chance that some responsible leadership could
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emerge in the republican party to stand up to these people? >> i think probably not, because the responsible leader who would need to do it would be the speaker of the house, and john boehner has proven himself to be unable to reason with his caucus, let alone exert the kind of pressury needs. he is newt ired by those tea partiers. he is a teacher who has lost control of his class. and he cannot get them to raise their hand when is they want to talk. >> he said again, we're going to let the process go the way they have guided it. it is the most, it lacks such political backbone, that it's appalling. >> but, you know, he has on several occasions this year allowed for democratic votes to help get us over the cliff. you know, he's done that of about. he can do it again. it means him falling on the sword. it means him risking his
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speakership, but you know what? this is on behalf of the american people, and no one's individual job should be that important that you're going to risk the fiscal health of our country for. >> at the end of the day, i said to simone in the last segment, you've got to live with yourself, you've got to believe in something. how do you live with yourself knowing that you're doing these things to vulnerable people who for the first time have a way of ensuring their kids, themselves, people with pre-existing conditions. and you're going to draw a line in the sand here because you don't like the president or don't like that it's named after a president you don't like? >> i think that's the problem is you have a certain set of republicans who really believe in something. they believe the government should not provide anything for the poor and those who go without. and then you have boehner and others who i'm not sure believe in a lot other than keeping their jobs. when you have people who don't
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have core beliefs, they believe in nothing. that's why they think that they give in. but at the end of the day, because they don't have core beliefs to argue back against the true believers on the far, far right, the far right runs the party, the media people run the party and people like b boehner are being blown along in the wind. ahead. how desperate is the republican party? they're talking impeachment. that's how desperate. that's next. okay, ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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i called today for the very first time in my career on this president. i, personally, i have said before, that's impeachable. i personally. calling to impeach the president of the united states. >> you personally, glen beck, are calling for the impeachment of the president for the first time in your career. well, watch this, glen. >> they can take it to impeachment, i, i personally think there's a lot of people on both sides of the aisle that shouldn't be impeached, should go to jail. >> is the president one of those people? >> yeah. >> it is time to have a special council explore impeachment of this president. >> so now that we have your
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consistency out of the way as well as your being very open and transparent since you've used this hei this line before, let's talk about how ridiculous it is. joining me now is abbey huntsman. the fact is it's not just glen beck. there's some gop lawmakers suggesting that president obama be impeached. watch this. >> we want all tools to use, including that impeachment. >> if he continues, could that build up to make a case for possible impeachment? >> all options should be on the table. >> if we were to impeach the president tomorrow, you could probably -- >> it may be certausing the i w before too long. >> tell me how i can imkim peach
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the president of the united states. >> to establish the criteria that would qualify for proceedings against the president. and that's called impeachment. >> now why because you disagree with policies would you be talking about impeaching the president if you were in fact serious as lawmakers and leaders in this country? they have, abbey, called for impeachment around immigration reform, recess appointments, defense of marriage act, president's birth certificate, health care law, all the czars, syria. >> they're doing a lot to change this country, aren't they? >> that's for sure. >> glen beck is a professional flamethrower. he is almost as loud as your red jacket which i very much love,
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rev renld. unfortunately, he's not qualified to impeach the president. people can follow him. they can get all excited and that very much excites his part of the party, the extreme part of the republican party, but other than that, nothing's really going to happen there. the republican party has got to figure out a way to differentiate itself between the entertainment wing of the party and the issues wing of the party. and unfortunately because the party is so weak today, it is this entertainment wing, thrush limbaugh's again beck, the dominant voice, you look at that narrative, it's defunding obamacare. it's impeaching the president or even members of his open party. john mccain says he needs to be impeached or it's shutting down the government rather. none of these things get us anywhere. none of these things actually provide jobs.
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it's such a sad state of affairs we're in. you think we're really at a crossroads as a nation where we're dealing with a issues that are going to affect my generation. to think we can't come to the tail and have a robust debate about our role in the country, about the budget, but health care. it's a really sad thing to think about where we're at right now. >> that's my question to you. because you, we can disagree. we've seen that all through this nation's history. and we can do it without being disagreeable. your father is a republican, a leading republican. yet, he work the for president obama, was ambassador to china and came back and ran against some in his own party. >> mm-hm. >> how do guys like your father, who are loyal republicans, believe in the republican party but have to deal with this
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element, what kind of position does it put them in? >> well, sadly, they have nowhere to go right now. it's really unfortunate tor someone like my dad who you mentioned who has a lot of good ideas that i think he could provide to the republican party today in order to actually win a gem election. he understands the world. he's been governor of the most conservative state in the country. they're not going to people like my dad. they're not interested in the ideas. they're interested in the rhetoric. you look at bill clinton and ronald reagan for example. why did they succeed? these are both politicians that brought their party back from the fringes. they put forward policies that were best for the american people. clinton for example was able to balance the budget. he was able to bring different constituencies to the table. ronald reagan who ended the cold war. they are not throwing out ideas. if they have issues with obamacare, let's have that discussion at the right time, but bring an alternative to the
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table as well. >> well, abbey, i want to thank you for your time. and by the way, a friend of mine told me with all of these attacks on the president and democrats, i should quietly slip in to washington. i decided to dress and let them know i was in town. >> well, i love it. i love it, reverend. neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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the brand new film, new lly
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weeds is drawing comparisons to spike lee, telling of a couple struggling with their relationship and with drugs. the film follows their daily struggles and dreams, their desire to escape. take a look. >> i had a bad day at work. i want to go somewhere. i do. i do. look. look. $30. got a box or something somewhere? >> you're not funny. >> i'm not trying to be funny. i'm being serious. here. >> joining me now is shawca
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king, the director of newly weeds. the new york city times today wrote that it has the vitality of an early spike lee movie. you went to nyu like spike did. and he also tweeted about the movie today. what do you think of that comparison? >> it's a tremendous honor, you know, he's someone i can remember as a child, i mean he was filming about three blocks from my house. i remember seeing that shoot take place in my neighborhood and feeling the energy around that. and i remember seeing the movie do the right thing in theaters and that movie blew my mind. and he's a tremendous talent and teacher as well. he taught me during my third year at nyu. and his class was phenomenal. so it's just a great honor. >> one of the things i noted in reading that really impressed me, because i grew up in
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brooklyn is that you talk about how with gentry any cation that real life like with you showing the film has not been projected like you grew up where there was a crack house and a business on the corner. and that's the brooklyn i knew, not the brooklyn of the high rises and the expensive apartments and the restaurants outside in the street with cafes, and that's happening all over the country. >> yeah. >> why was it important for you to tell that part of brooklyn and urban life? >> well, for one, you know, that's the brooklyn that i know and love. and that exists in my current neighborhood that i've been living in, in the last ten years, and in a lot of ways, my neighborhood remains unchanged.
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i also feel like, you know, mainstream immediate what sort of focuses on that so much. and that representation of theborough. and i wanted to show the perspective that i think is lacking in a lot of different movies and television shows. so this was my response to that in some ways, but also, again, this is really my life experience growing up there. portrayed on the screen, exactly. >> a lot of movies by black directors are getting major attention this year. the butler, fruitvale station, 12 years a slave. is this a new renaissance of black movies? >> i think it's just a continuation of what has preceded it. i'm caution to, you know, use terms like renaissance, because that sets an expectation that, you know, and i just don't re really believe in setting
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expectations beyond what you can control. so i'm really excited about all the movies you've mentioned. i haven't seen 12 years a slave yet, i'm happy about that. but i don't want to call it a renaissance. i think that a lot of times things like that get overblown. >> all right. well, grad to have you with us. shawca king, thank you for joining us tonight. his first fee tour film, newly weeds opens tonight and in los angeles on friday. we'll be right back with reply al. but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. that's why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. hp's technology helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into real-time business insights
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